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Test Example

A simple test unit example about SIC Draw Line Chart

Topics about Testing

Testing concept go to here (e.g. structure, name syntax)

Programming a test unit go to here (code and example)

Note Note

Some log entries are not necessary. These serve as an explanation.

Test case for draw a line chart.

lLineChart = new LineChart();

//* draws chart *
lLineChart.Create(lTestFile, lXAxis, lYAxis, lPoints, LineChartType.Line,
                  pViewXAxis: SIC.Draw.AxisDisplay.Labels,
                  pViewYAxis: SIC.Draw.AxisDisplay.Labels,
                  pBorderSpacing: 55,     //* correction for label view *
                  pXLabelSpacing: 27,     //* correction for label view *
                  pShowScaling: false,    //* test case: scaling then on true *
                  pXLabel: "X Label",
                  pYLabel: "Y Label"

Test Project

  1. Create a test project (SOWI Test Project template) or go to exists a test project.

  2. Add assembly SIC.Draw as a reference in the project

Test Unit

  1. Create a test unit (project item template called SOWITestUnit or go to exists test unit

  2. Go to tasks token UNDONE. For this example, the lines can be deleted.

Test Case

  1. Create a test case (code snippet scsTestCase)

  2. Implement section "Preparation"

    #region --- Preparation ---
    this.Log.WriteTitle("TEST PREPARATION");
    this.Log.Write("Test variable...");
    SIC.Draw.LineChart lLineChart = null;
    List<SIC.Draw.Axis> lXAxis = null;
    List<SIC.Draw.Axis> lYAxis = null;
    List<SIC.Draw.Point> lPoints = null;
    string lTestFile = this.ResultDirectory + this.Log.Name;
    // TOSET: test values and correct result values
    //* x axis *
    lXAxis = new List<SIC.Draw.Axis>();
    lXAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(10, "left"));
    lXAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(20, "middle"));
    lXAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(30, "right"));
    lXAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(25, "between"));   //* test case: correct sorted *
    //* y axis *
    lYAxis = new List<SIC.Draw.Axis>();
    lYAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(30, "up"));
    lYAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(20, "middle"));
    lYAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(10, "down"));
    lYAxis.Add(new SIC.Draw.Axis(15, "between"));   //* test case: correct sorted *
    //* chart values *
    lPoints = new List<SIC.Draw.Point>();
    lPoints.Add(new SIC.Draw.Point(10, 10));
    lPoints.Add(new SIC.Draw.Point(13, 18));
    lPoints.Add(new SIC.Draw.Point(20, 20));
    lPoints.Add(new SIC.Draw.Point(25, 22));
    lPoints.Add(new SIC.Draw.Point(30, 30));
    string lTestFileResult = "";
    //* protocol test preparation *
    this.Log.Write("Test file name", "\t" + lTestFile);
    lXAxis.ForEach(delegate (SIC.Draw.Axis pAxis)
            this.Log.Write("X Axis \t Value: \t" + pAxis.Value.ToString() + "\t Label: " + pAxis.Label);
    lYAxis.ForEach(delegate (SIC.Draw.Axis pAxis)
            this.Log.Write("Y Axis \t Value: \t" + pAxis.Value.ToString() + "\t Label: " + pAxis.Label);
    lPoints.ForEach(delegate (SIC.Draw.Point pPoint)
            this.Log.Write("Point  \t X:     \t" + pPoint.X.ToString() + "\t Y: " + pPoint.Y.ToString());
    this.Log.Write("Test prepared");
  3. Implement section Execution

    #region --- Execution ---
    this.Log.WriteTitle("TEST EXECUTION");
    this.Log.Write("Crate Line Chart...");
        lLineChart = new LineChart();
        //* draws chart *
        lLineChart.Create(lTestFile, lXAxis, lYAxis, lPoints, LineChartType.Line,
                          pViewXAxis: SIC.Draw.AxisDisplay.Labels,
                          pViewYAxis: SIC.Draw.AxisDisplay.Labels,
                          pBorderSpacing: 55,     //* correction for label view *
                          pXLabelSpacing: 27,     //* correction for label view *
                          pShowScaling: false,    //* test case: scaling then on true *
                          pXLabel: "X Label",
                          pYLabel: "Y Label"
        lTestFileResult = lLineChart.File;
    catch (Exception ex)
        this.Log.IsTrue(ref ex);
    //* protocol test execution *
    this.Log.Write("Test result file name", lTestFileResult);
    this.Log.Write("Test executed");
  4. Implement section Test Analysis

    #region --- Analysis ---
    this.Log.WriteTitle("TEST ANALYSIS");
    //* conditions *
    this.Log.IsTrue(lXAxis != null, "X axis object is null", "X axis object OK");
    this.Log.IsTrue(lYAxis != null, "Y axis object is null", "Y axis object OK");
    this.Log.IsTrue(lPoints != null, "Points object is null", "Points object OK");
    this.Log.IsTrue(lLineChart != null, "Line Chart object is null", "Line Chart object OK");
    this.Log.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(lTestFileResult), "No exists test file. Result value: " + lTestFileResult.ToString(), "Result file OK");
    //* write result of conditions *

Test Result

  • Test Window

    Test Name:        TestSICDrawLineChart
    Test Outcome:        Passed
    Result StandardOutput:        
    Event OnDirectorySetting...
    Directory initialize to below values:
        Data Redirecting:            C:\Work\Data\
        Data Redirect:               False
        Result Redirecting:          C:\Work\
        Result Redirect:             True
    Initialize Log object...
    Test result directory:          C:\Work\                
    Event OnSessionSetting...
    Session token reset (token not available)
    Event OnTestInitialize...
    TestSICDrawLineChart on 20170625233024
    Test variable...
    Test result directory:          C:\Work\                
    Test file name:                  C:\Work\TestSICDrawLineChart on 20170625233024
    X Axis          Value:         10         Label: left
    X Axis          Value:         20         Label: middle
    X Axis          Value:         30         Label: right
    X Axis          Value:         25         Label: between
    Y Axis          Value:         30         Label: up
    Y Axis          Value:         20         Label: middle
    Y Axis          Value:         10         Label: down
    Y Axis          Value:         15         Label: between
    Point           X:             10         Y: 10
    Point           X:             13         Y: 18
    Point           X:             20         Y: 20
    Point           X:             25         Y: 22
    Point           X:             30         Y: 30
    Test prepared
    Create Line Chart...
    Test result file name:          C:\Work\TestSICDrawLineChart on 20170625233024.jpeg
    Test executed
    Test outcome:          Passed
    Test duration:          00:00:00.0435928
    X axis object OK
    Y axis object OK
    Points object OK
    Line Chart object OK
    Result file OK
  • Test Result File

    TestSICDrawLineChart on 20170625233024
    Test variable...
    Test result directory:          C:\Work\                
    Test file name:                  C:\Work\TestSICDrawLineChart on 20170625233024
    X Axis          Value:         10         Label: left
    X Axis          Value:         20         Label: middle
    X Axis          Value:         30         Label: right
    X Axis          Value:         25         Label: between
    Y Axis          Value:         30         Label: up
    Y Axis          Value:         20         Label: middle
    Y Axis          Value:         10         Label: down
    Y Axis          Value:         15         Label: between
    Point           X:             10         Y: 10
    Point           X:             13         Y: 18
    Point           X:             20         Y: 20
    Point           X:             25         Y: 22
    Point           X:             30         Y: 30
    Test prepared
    Create Line Chart...
    Test result file name:          C:\Work\TestSICDrawLineChart on 20170625233024.jpeg
    Test executed
    Test outcome:          Passed
    Test duration:          00:00:00.0435928
    X axis object OK
    Y axis object OK
    Points object OK
    Line Chart object OK
    Result file OK
  • Test Result File (Line Chart)

    SICDraw Line Chart Line Test Example