Web View Index Data List | ![]() |
For example, this example changes the default GetView method for better performance.
Override the method IndexGetView with out parameter
/// <summary> /// Overrides the base SOWIWeb.Helper.ControllerStandard method IndexGetView with out parameter. /// Tihs method calls the method GetViewSimple from App /// </summary> /// <param name="pViewConfig">List setting</param> /// <param name="pViewName">View name e.g. Index</param> /// <param name="pDictionaryUI">UI dictionary</param> /// <returns>A simple data list</returns> /// <seealso cref="SOWIWeb.Helper.ControllerStandard{DataItemClass}.IndexGetView(out ListViewConfig, string, Dictionary{string, string})"/> public override List<object> IndexGetView(out ListViewConfig pViewConfig, string pViewName, Dictionary<string, string> pDictionaryUI = null) { return this.AppMuster.GetViewSimple(out pViewConfig, pViewName, pDictionaryUI); }
Override the method IndexGetView with ref parameter
/// <summary> /// Overrides the base SOWIWeb.Helper.ControllerStandard method IndexGetView with ref parameter. /// This method calls the method GetViewSimple from App. /// </summary> /// <param name="pViewConfig">List setting</param> /// <param name="pDictionaryUI">UI dictionary</param> /// <returns>A simple data list</returns> /// <seealso cref="SOWIWeb.Helper.ControllerStandard{DataItemClass}.IndexGetView(ref ListViewConfig, Dictionary{string, string})"/> public override List<object> IndexGetView(ref ListViewConfig pViewConfig, Dictionary<string, string> pDictionaryUI = null) { return this.AppMuster.GetViewSimple(ref pViewConfig, pDictionaryUI); }
Create method GetViewSimple with out parameter
/// <summary> /// Data list configured by List View Config /// </summary> /// <param name="pViewConfig">Return the ViewConfig object</param> /// <param name="pViewName">View name for list view setting e.g. Index</param> /// <param name="pDictionaryUI">UI dictionary. If object equal null then use internal DictionaryUI object</param> /// <returns>A list of data item objects</returns> /// <remarks> /// This method calls method GetViewSimple with ref parameter. /// See this for more information. /// </remarks> public List<object> GetViewSimple(out SOWIData.Management.ListViewConfig pViewConfig, string pViewName, Dictionary<string, string> pDictionaryUI = null) { try { if (pDictionaryUI == null) { pDictionaryUI = this.DictionaryUI; } pViewConfig = SOWIApp.Management.ListViewConfig.GetByConfig(this.AppName, this.UserName, pViewName); return this.GetViewSimple(ref pViewConfig, pDictionaryUI); } catch (Exception ex) { SIC.Protocol.Write(ref ex); throw; } }
Create method GetViewSimple with ref parameter
This method works with direct SQL statements and a SQL view for a better performance.
/// <summary> /// Gives a data list by list view config setting. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Requirement: SQL view called View_Ticket /// </remarks> /// <param name="pViewConfig">Setting for data list. This parameter is by reference (C# with ref prefix)</param> /// <param name="pDictionaryUI">Dictionary for UI translation. If null then the internal DictionaryUI is used</param> /// <returns>List of data records</returns> /// <seealso cref="SOWIData.Management.ListViewConfig"/> /// <seealso cref="SOWIApp.Foundation.AppStandard{DataItemClass}.GetView(ref SOWIData.Management.ListViewConfig, Dictionary{string, string})"/> public List<object> GetViewSimple(ref SOWIData.Management.ListViewConfig pViewConfig, Dictionary<string, string> pDictionaryUI = null) { try { #region --- declaration SQL variable --- string lSQL; string lSQLSelect = @"SELECT * FROM [View_Ticket] "; string lSQLWhere = ""; string lSQLOrderBy = ""; #endregion #region --- puts DictionaryUI object --- if (pDictionaryUI == null) { pDictionaryUI = this.DictionaryUI; } if (pViewConfig == null) { throw new Exception(SIC.Messages.DataNotFound.ToString()); } #endregion #region --- search field exist? --- if (pViewConfig.SearchField == null) { pViewConfig.SearchField = ""; } #endregion #region --- set SearchValues --- pViewConfig.SearchValues = new List<string>(); string lSearchField = pViewConfig.SearchField; if (lSearchField != "") { try { lSQL = "SELECT [" + lSearchField + "] " + "FROM [View_Ticket] " + "WHERE [ClientID] = " + this.ClientID + " AND [StatusText] <> 'Delete' AND [" + lSearchField + "] IS NOT NULL " + "GROUP BY [" + lSearchField + "]"; pViewConfig.SearchValues = this.DB.Database.SqlQuery<string>(lSQL).ToList(); //var lSearchValues = this.DB.Database.SqlQuery<object>(lSQL).ToList(); //foreach (var item in lSearchValues) //{ // pViewConfig.SearchValues.Add(item.ToString()); //} } catch (Exception ex) { // BUG: exception message: Die angegebene Umwandlung aus einem materialisierten 'System.DateTime'-Typ in den 'System.String'-Typ ist ungültig. [12.01.2018] pViewConfig.SearchValues.Add(""); pViewConfig.SearchValues.Add("Daten können nicht gelesen werden!"); pViewConfig.SearchValues.Add("Exception: " + ex.Message.ToString()); } } #endregion #region --- sort field and direction exist? --- if (pViewConfig.SortField == null) { pViewConfig.SortField = this.SortFieldStandard; pViewConfig.SortDirection = this.SortDirectionStandard; } #endregion #region --- puts sort SQL statement --- lSQLOrderBy = "ORDER BY [" + pViewConfig.SortField + "] "; if (pViewConfig.SortDirection == SortDirections.descending) { lSQLOrderBy += "DESC "; } #endregion #region --- search and sort field list exist? --- if (pViewConfig.Fields == null) { var lFields = DataGridView; lFields = (from p in lFields where p.InFieldList == true select p).ToList(); lFields.Insert(0, new SOWIData.Management.DataGrid()); if (pDictionaryUI != null) { SOWIApp.Management.DataGrid.Translate(ref lFields, pDictionaryUI); } else { foreach (var item in lFields) { if (item.ColumnLabel.Length == 0) { item.ColumnLabel = item.DataFieldName; } } } pViewConfig.Fields = lFields; ; } #endregion #region --- puts search filter SQL statement --- //* analyse customer filter * string lValue = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pViewConfig.SearchValue) ? "" : pViewConfig.SearchValue); if (lValue == "") { lValue = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pViewConfig.SearchValue2) ? "" : pViewConfig.SearchValue2); if (lValue != "") { // ** Check exists Value in Search Values ** var lFind = pViewConfig.SearchValues.Find(p => p == lValue); if (lFind == null) { lValue = ""; pViewConfig.SearchValue2 = ""; } else { lValue = pViewConfig.SearchValue2; } } } else { pViewConfig.SearchValue2 = ""; } //* puts default filter * lSQLWhere = @"WHERE [ClientID] = " + this.ClientID.ToString() + " " + @"AND [StatusText] <> 'Delete' "; //* puts custom filter * if (lValue.Length > 0) { lSQLWhere += @" AND "; switch (pViewConfig.SearchOperator) { case Operators.Equal: lSQLWhere += @"[" + pViewConfig.SearchField.ToString() + @"] = '" + lValue.ToString() + @"' "; break; case Operators.LessThan: lSQLWhere += @"[" + pViewConfig.SearchField.ToString() + @"] < " + lValue.ToString() + @" "; break; case Operators.LessThanOrEqual: lSQLWhere += @"[" + pViewConfig.SearchField.ToString() + @"] <= " + lValue.ToString() + @" "; break; case Operators.GreaterThan: lSQLWhere += @"[" + pViewConfig.SearchField.ToString() + @"] > " + lValue.ToString() + @" "; break; case Operators.GreaterThanOrEqual: lSQLWhere += @"[" + pViewConfig.SearchField.ToString() + @"] >= " + lValue.ToString() + @" "; break; case Operators.Contains: //* example: WHERE [Name] LIKE '%Beamer%' * lSQLWhere += @"[" + pViewConfig.SearchField.ToString() + @"] LIKE '%" + lValue.ToString() + @"%' "; break; case Operators.Flag: break; default: break; } } #endregion #region --- puts data rows active, archived or all --- switch (pViewConfig.Record) { case Records.All: break; case Records.Active: lSQLWhere += " AND [Archive] = 0 "; break; case Records.Archived: lSQLWhere += " AND [Archive] = 1 "; break; default: break; } #endregion #region --- paging --- //* count of rows * lSQL = @"SELECT COUNT([ID]) FROM [View_Ticket] "; lSQL += lSQLWhere; //* example: WHERE [ClientID] = 4 AND [StatusText] <> 'Delete' * var lCount = this.DB.Database.SqlQuery<int>(lSQL).First(); pViewConfig.RecordCount = lCount; pViewConfig.PageCount = pViewConfig.RecordCount / pViewConfig.PageSize; int lRecordCountByPage = pViewConfig.PageSize * pViewConfig.PageCount; if (lRecordCountByPage < pViewConfig.RecordCount) { pViewConfig.PageCount += 1; } if (pViewConfig.CurrentPageIndex > pViewConfig.PageCount - 1) // CurrentPageIndex null based { pViewConfig.CurrentPageIndex = pViewConfig.PageCount - 1; } #endregion #region --- set data list --- lSQL = lSQLSelect; //* SELECT * FROM View_Ticket * lSQL += lSQLWhere; //* example: WHERE [ClientID] = 4 AND [StatusText] <> 'Delete' * lSQL += lSQLOrderBy; //* example: ORDER BY [Name] * //* paging * #region --- test example --- //lSQL += @"OFFSET 0 ROWS " + // @"FETCH NEXT 20 ROWS ONLY"; #endregion int lOffset = (pViewConfig.CurrentPageIndex * pViewConfig.PageSize); if (lOffset >= 0) { lSQL += @"OFFSET " + lOffset + " ROWS " + @"FETCH NEXT " + pViewConfig.PageSize + " ROWS ONLY"; } List<ProTicData.Models.Ticket> lQuery = this.DB.Database.SqlQuery<ProTicData.Models.Ticket>(lSQL).ToList(); #endregion #region --- saves ListViewConfig object --- SOWIApp.Management.ListViewConfig.SetListViewConfig(pViewConfig); #endregion return (lQuery as IEnumerable<object>).Cast<object>().ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { SIC.Protocol.Write(ref ex); throw; } }