Click or drag to resize

HTML Class

Methods for usage of web user interface
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SOWIWeb.Helper
Assembly:  SOWIWeb.Helper (in SOWIWeb.Helper.dll) Version: (
public static class HTML

The HTML type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCode exampleButtonByAction
Generate HTML code for Botton with syntax: href="@Url.Action(Action, Controller, Value)"
Public methodStatic memberButtonByEvent
Generate HTML code for Botton with event and code
Public methodStatic memberButtonByHref
Generate HTML code for link (href) Botton
Public methodStatic memberButtonBySubmit
Generate HTML code for submit Botton
Public methodStatic memberButtonByToggle
Generate HTML code for button this can collapse/expand a panel or display a modal dialog
Public methodStatic memberFormGroup(Object, DataGrid, TempDataDictionary)
Gives HTML code for data displayed formatted by Bootstrap in two columns (label and value) configuration by Data Grid View
Public methodStatic memberFormGroup(String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, DataPlacements)
Gives HTML code for Form line formatted by Bootstrap in two columns (label and control (editor or button))
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFormGroupEditor(Object, DataGrid, TempDataDictionary)
Gives HTML code for data editor formatted by Bootstrap in two columns (label and editor) configuration by Data Grid View
Public methodStatic memberFormGroupEditor(Object, String, String, DataGridDataTypes, String, String, String, TempDataDictionary, String, String, String, Boolean, String, DataPlacements, String, String)
Gives HTML code for data editor formatted by Bootstrap in two columns (label and editor)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetTooltip
Gives HTML code for Tooltip when user option property ShowTootip true (except prameter UserOptionIgnore true)
Public methodStatic memberPanelToggle(Panel)
Gives HTML code for a panel (toggel panel) formatted by Bootstrap
Public methodStatic memberCode examplePanelToggle(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Gives HTML code for a panel (toggel panel) formatted by Bootstrap
Public methodStatic memberCode examplePanelToggleGroup
Gives HTML code for a panel group/list with panels (toggel panel) formatted by Bootstrap
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleToolbar
Generate HTML code for Toolbar with Bootstrap style. Button type supported Submit, MVC action and Toggle.
Public methodStatic memberToolbarItem
Generate HTML code for data item Toolbar with Bootstrap style. Button type supported Submit, MVC action and Toggle.
Public methodStatic memberValidationSummary
Gives HTML code for ValidationSummary formatted by Bootstrap class Alert
Public fieldStatic memberStyleButton
Standard Bootstrap style for button (btn btn-default)
Public fieldStatic memberStyleColEdit
Standard Bootstrap style for editor control (col-sm-10)
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleStyleColLabel
Standard Bootstrap style for label (col-sm-2)
Public fieldStatic memberStyleForm
Standard Bootstrap style for Form (form-group)
Public fieldStatic memberStylePanel
Standard Bootstrap style for panel (panel panel-default)
Public fieldStatic memberStylePanelContent
Standard Bootstrap style for panel content (panel-body)
Public fieldStatic memberStylePanelGroup
Standard Bootstrap style for panel group (panel-group)
Public fieldStatic memberStylePanelHeading
Standard Bootstrap style for panel heading (panel-heading)
Public fieldStatic memberStylePanelTitle
Standard Bootstrap style for panel title (panel-title)
See Also