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Win Controller

SOWI Win Controller Template creates a windows controller of model WPF with

  • SOWI App as business logical

  • SOWI Data as data model

This topic contains the following sections:


The windows project based on SOWI Win Project

The SOWI App which presents the business logic must be available.

The SOWI Data which presents the data model must be available.

The SOWI Template package must be installed

Check following references (normally already specified):
SOWIData, SOWIData.Helper, SOWIWin.Helper and SOWIApp.Foundation

Check exist the SOWI Configuration (file: SOWIApp.sconfig) into folder App_Data


Create a SOWI Win Controller with the template

  1. Choose or create a new SOWI Win project into Solution Explorer

  2. Expand his items and select the Controllers folder

  3. Add SOWI Win Controller via template

    Call context menu and choose menu item Add, New Item...

    ScreenSOWIWeb Controller Template Content Menu
  4. The dialog Add New Item appears

    Choose Installed, Visual C# and SOWIWinController.Template

    Edit the web controller name into textbox Name e.g. TestUser (without suffix Controller)

    Push button Add

    ScreenSOWIWin Controller Template Add New Item
  5. The dialog SOWI Win Controller appears

    Choose the App Class into the class list

    Choose the Data Item Class into the class list

    Push button OK

    ScreenSOWIWin Controller Template Dialog

Now the following item is created:

SOWI Win controller based SOWIWin.HelperControllerStandardDataItemClass or SOWIWin.HelperControllerDataGridDataItemClass into folder Controllers

The elements contain all standard functions and are therefore executable.