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The way to the solution

Variants to find a solution.

Analyze the objects and its properties
#region --- analyse object ProjectItem propery Kind ---
//- begin code -
lClasses.Add("__Project: " + lProject.Name.ToString());
foreach (ProjectItem lProjectItem in lProject.ProjectItems)
    lClasses.Add("______Projectitem: " + lProjectItem.Name.ToString() + " is a Kind: " + lProjectItem.Kind.ToString());
//- end code -
//** analyse: a example output (they all have the same GUID): **
// ______Projectitem: Client.cs is a Kind: {6BB5F8EE-4483-11D3-8BCF-00C04F8EC28C}
//** conclusion: can't be used because they all have the same GUID **


It's analysis is complete. It is advisable to leave the program code because later the solution steps can be understood.

Do it disable code sequence between mark "begin code" and "end code"

#region --- $title$ ---
//- begin code -
//- end code -
//** analyse: $analyse$ **
//** conclusion: $conclusion$ **