Click or drag to resize

ToolbarButton Constructor

Global constructor for Toolbar button use it to Header Toolbar List and data item list

Namespace:  SOWIWeb.Helper
Assembly:  SOWIWeb.Helper (in SOWIWeb.Helper.dll) Version: (
public ToolbarButton(
	ButtonType pType,
	string pIcon = "",
	string pLabel = "",
	bool pDefault = false,
	string pSubmitValue = "",
	string pEventHandler = "",
	string pEventCommand = "",
	string pMVCController = "",
	string pMVCAction = "",
	string pToggleTarget = "",
	ToggleType pToggleType = ToggleType.none,
	bool pDisabled = false,
	string pStyle = "",
	string pTooltipText = "",
	DataPlacements pTooltipPlacement = DataPlacements.bottom


Type: SOWIWeb.HelperButtonType
Button Type
pIcon (Optional)
Type: SystemString
icon for user interface e.g. glyphicon glyphicon-pencil
pLabel (Optional)
Type: SystemString
label for user interface
pDefault (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
when is true then is this the default button equal press enter key
pSubmitValue (Optional)
Type: SystemString
use it by Button Type Submit - submit value e.g. save. or MVC value e.g. /User/Edit/3
pEventHandler (Optional)
Type: SystemString
use it by Button Type Event and Toggle - e.g. onclick
pEventCommand (Optional)
Type: SystemString
use it by Button Type Event and Toggle - e.g. window.print()
pMVCController (Optional)
Type: SystemString
use it by Button Type Action - controller name e.g. Ticket
pMVCAction (Optional)
Type: SystemString
use it by Button Type Action - action name e.g. Edit
pToggleTarget (Optional)
Type: SystemString
use it by Button Type Toggle - id of HTML div from panel or dialog
pToggleType (Optional)
Type: SOWIWeb.HelperToggleType
use it by Button Type Toggle - e.g. collapse is a panel that collapse or expand
pDisabled (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
deactivated button (default false)
pStyle (Optional)
Type: SystemString
overwrite standard class style
pTooltipText (Optional)
Type: SystemString
help text use on toolbar button object tooltip
pTooltipPlacement (Optional)
Type: SOWIWeb.HelperDataPlacements
tooltip placement (default bottom)
Button TypeDescription
ActionButton type call MVC action
SubmitButton type call form command
EventButton type call event e.g. onclick with code window.print()
HRefNot supported at the moment
ToggleButton type of panel or dialog toggle and supported event handler (see Button Type Event). Note to event commands by button type Toggle: not use command alert because then toggle doesn't works
HTML syntax code example by Button Type Action
href="@Url.Action(Action, Controller, Value)"
See Also