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Module Properties

The Module type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAction
Action name use to in web/win application (e.g. in web application Action Link)
Public propertyActionDB
Value of Actions enumeration (value without database saved is saved in ActionText)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyActionText
Action text of Actions enumeration (value database saved)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyActive
The Module (App) default activate
Public propertyArchive
Is value false then active record Is value true then archived record
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyCanActivate
Can clients this Module (App, Module, Option) activate (Module option)
Public propertyCanCreate
Module has function: create data item
Public propertyCanDelete
Module has function: delete data item
Public propertyCanDeleteOwner
Module has function: owner can delete data item
Public propertyCanRead
Module has function: read data item(s)
Public propertyCanReadOwner
Module has function: owner can data item(s) read
Public propertyCanUpdate
Module has function: update data item
Public propertyCanUpdateOwner
Module has function: owner can update data item
Public propertyChangeTracker
Provides access to features of the context that deal with change tracking of entities.
(Inherited from DbContext.)
Public propertyChecked
Use for user interface handling by checkbox (true or false)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyClientID
Record on this client
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyColorUI
Color handling for user interface e. g. row table
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyConfiguration
Provides access to configuration options for the context.
(Inherited from DbContext.)
Public propertyController
Controller name use to in web/win application (e.g. in web application Action Link)
Public propertyCreateDate
Date created data record is set by method Insert
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyCreateUser
User who created data record is set by method Insert
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyDatabase
Creates a Database instance for this context that allows for creation/deletion/existence checks for the underlying database.
(Inherited from DbContext.)
Public propertyDateTimeValue
Use for application
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyDeleteDate
Date as deleted data record is set by method Delete
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyDeleteUser
User who deleted data record is set by method Delete
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyDescription
Use for application
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyFieldName
Field name for statistic
Public propertyFlag
Use for application
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyGroupName
Group name (e.g. use to menu title)
Public propertyGUID
GUID for export import
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyHelp
no function
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyID
Unique identifier of record
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyIsApp
Is the Module a application (App)
Public propertyIsDataContent
Is the Module a count of data content
Public propertyIsDataItem
Is the Module a count of data items
Public propertyIsModule
Is the Module a module (is a part of App and can used across more App)
Public propertyIsOption
Is the Module a option of App or module
Public propertyIsUser
Is the Module a User part
Public propertyItem
Index handling example this[FieldName]
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyLabel
Use for application
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyLastEditDate
Date last change is set by method Update
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyLastEditUser
User who made last change on data record is set by method Update.
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyLastUser
Gives user name who last work with this data item (create or edit)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyName
Optional whether required. Setting at class constructor SOWIData.Database.Connector
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyNameOriginalValue
Orginal value of field Name
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyOrder
Menu order
Public propertyParameter
Parameter value use to in web/win application (e.g. in web application Action Link)
Public propertyPrice
Module price
Public propertySelection
Use for user interface handling selection (options) Integer value example selection by ID
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyStatus
Value of Statuses enumeration (without database saved is saved in StatusText)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyStatusText
Status text of Statuses enumeration (database saved)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyTableName
Table name for statistic
Public propertyTask
Value of Tasks enumeration (without database saved is saved in TaskText)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyTaskText
Task text of Tasks enumeration (database saved)
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyText
Use for application
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyValue
Use for application
(Inherited from DataStandard.)
Public propertyVisible
Menu visible
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertySystem#Data#Entity#Infrastructure#IObjectContextAdapter#ObjectContext
Returns the Entity Framework ObjectContext that is underlying this context.
(Inherited from DbContext.)
See Also